Walt Disney

"It's fun to make the impossible possible"

"It is fun making the impossible possible", said Walter Elaise Disney who was born on the fifth of December 1901 in Hermosa, Chicago and is one of the many inspirational people in the world who turned his vision into a living fantasy. Disney was a dreamer who made films during WWII for the government but later on turned into a man who won awards for his films just by following his dream, he with his brother Roy opened up a company where he could express his wonders of imagination and invention . Through fantasy and ups and downs, Walt could turn nothing into something big and overall is an inspiration to all.
About Walt Disney image
Published Work Commentary

Published Work Commentary


Includes some Poems make by myself, about Walt

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Exclusive Interview

A imaginative interview between Walt and I. This is where I asked him some questions about his work and life

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More Poems

Includes some poems I wrote about Walt Disney

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Want to know more?

Here you can find some facts and achievements of Walt Disney also there are some website that could be useful to find more information of him

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Pictures and Videos

Some pictures and videos of Walt Disney and his work

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Be like Walt Disney, follow your dreams

"You can design and create, and build the most wonderful place in the world. But it takes people to make the dream a reality"

― Walter Elaise Disney, the father of Disneyland