30 Sep
Exclusive Interview


S: Good morning America! Hope your day has been good, I am currently in a very secret room but I can tell you it is in the most magical place in the world. Today, we will be talking with a very creative man, who made this beautiful place.

 Hello, Mr Walt Disney thank you so much for coming onto the show and inviting me to come to a stay in this room which in Disneyland.

W: No problem, also just call me Walt.

S: Walt, how it like having another award-winning film?

W: Ahh yes, Sleeping beauty it has just come out this October.

S: You are famous for your films and characters. Who helped you create them?

W: Well, of course, my team was a big part of the making of all the films everyone sees. Also, my brother, Roy has been with me since the beginning.

S: What process did you guys go through to make it perfect?


S: You mentioned your brother Roy. Is he the only sibling that believed in you and what you wanted to create?


S: We know you were a high school drop out. Do you think this gave you a disadvantage?

W: Well, of course, since Roy was in school he did help me but it was very hard when I went to meetings to talk about my films and creating Disneyland, as when the businessmen talked about the finances I didn't really understand parts of it.

S: What was it like trying to create something but with no experience?

W: Well, at first it was hard to convince companies to publish our films. But I wouldn’t give up so I just created my own companies as then I would have an outlet to show my films. Plus, I thought I could do better than any other company but didn’t think it would become so successful.

S: What would you say to anyone who wanted to create something but is too scared to or who don’t know where to start?

W: Find an outlet. Don’t focus on being famous and instantly becoming successful it will take some time, but if you are really dedicated then go for it. Get somewhere to publish your work. Whether it be social media or going to a company or an agency.

S: Out of the movies you and your team have made, which one is your favourite?

W: Well i just live Cinderalla, well apart from Mickey.

S: How did you guys think of these characters, only to make a movie out of it?

W: Well, first we need to e inspired by something and just start from a simple idea.

S: As you mentioned inspiration, let's talk about something that people think is inspirational?

W: So basically quotes?

S: Yep.
You said, “It's fun making the impossible possible”. Why do believe this to be true and how do you find it could help motivate someone?


S: So, when you say impossible what do mean?

W: I mean something you believe you can't do. For example, when I first wanted to create Disneyland I thought I could never do it, impossible, but little did I know I could create this amazing place. So by impossible, i mean a goal that you believe you can't achieve.

 S: Thank you for letting me ask you some questions as we know you have a very busy schedule, making new films and managing Disneyland.

By the way, how is it like being the creator of Disneyland.

W: It's amazing, I love how my name is out there and how I am known as this magical man. But the truth is, I am not Walt Disney. Walt Disney does not smoke, I smoke. He does not drink, I drink. I am just a ordinary man like everyone else, the only thing that singles me out is the fact that I was able to make my dream come true.





S: Well that's all the time we have. once again, thank you for letting me meet you, it has been a pleasure.

W: Well, thank you for inviting me.

S: Thank you and good bye.

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